You have been invited to participate in the Tribal and Community Reentry Court Program (TCRC) of the District of Utah. We believe you have the ability to succeed in this program, which may have significant benefits to you. When you successfully complete the Tribal and Community Reentry Court Program (TCRC), you may qualify for a reduced level of supervision or early termination of supervised release.
The Tribal and Community Reentry Court Program Basics
The TCRC Program will last a minimum of 12 months. Participants in the TCRC Program will be under the supervision of a U.S. Probation Officer (PO). Participants agree to abstain from drug and alcohol use, to participate in a drug and alcohol evaluation if deemed necessary, and to engage in and successfully complete, Moral Recognition Therapy (MRT) and any other treatment recommended by the TCRC Team. Participants also agree to submit to drug and alcohol testing as directed by the PO or treatment provider. In addition to the requirements of actively engaging in treatment, participants will also be required to comply with the standard and special conditions of their supervision.
Court Appearances
Once per month, at a time to be determined, you will be required to appear before the Reentry Court Judge to evaluate your progress. Progress updates from your PO and your treatment provider will be provided to the Court. These updates will describe both successes and problems you have experienced on supervision, either treatment related, or otherwise.
Participant Responsibilities
- Agree that I will be honest and candid with the TCRC Program’s presiding judge, my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s), and other members of the TCRC Team.
- Agree to obey all instructions and orders given to me by the TCRC Program’s presiding judge and by my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s).
- Agree to report to my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s), as soon as possible but in no event later than 24 hours, every contact I have with law enforcement personnel, including arrests, questioning, or traffic stops.
- Agree to notify my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s), as soon as possible but in no event later than 24 hours, of changes in any of the following: my home address; my phone number(s); my employment; and my educational pursuits.
- Agree to notify my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s), as soon as possible but in no event later than 24 hours, if I lose my mobile telephone.
- Agree to submit to drug testing as directed by the TCRC Program’s presiding judge or my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s).
- Agree to actively participate and complete the Moral Recognition Therapy (MRT) Course, as directed by the U.S. Probation Officer
- Agree to immediately enroll in a substance abuse treatment program as directed by the TCRC Program’s presiding judge or my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s). I further agree to abide by the rules and regulations of that program until I am discharged from that program.
- Agree to execute release forms that allow my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s) to access any and all of my financial records, including but not limited to records maintained by banks, credit unions, credit reporting services, and the Social Security Administration.
- Agree to allow my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s) to access and monitor any and all of my social networking accounts, including but not limited to Facebook, My Space, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Agree to allow my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s) to access and monitor my educational records, including any online accounts that allow me to check my interim and final grades.
- Agree to execute release forms that allow my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s) to access any and all of my health records, including but not limited to records held by physicians, nurses, hospitals, emergency rooms, urgent care providers and pharmacies.
- Agree to notify all health care providers, including but not limited to, physicians, nurses, hospitals, emergency rooms and urgent care providers, of the specifics of my substance abuse addiction, particularly before those health care providers prescribe any medication to me.
- Agree to report to my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s), as soon as possible but in no event later than 24 hours, every contact I have with health care providers, including but not limited to visits with physicians, nurses, hospitals, emergency rooms, and urgent care providers.
- Agree to report to my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s), as soon as possible but in no event later than 24 hours, any and all medication that has been prescribed to me.
- Agree that I will use prescription medication only in the manner in which it has been prescribed to me. I agree that I will use over-the-counter medication only in keeping with that medication’s directions. If my health care provider prescribes alternate instructions for using over-the-counter medication, I will report those directions to my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s) as soon as possible, but in no event later than 24 hours.
- Agree to undergo record checks for up to three (3) years following the termination of my term of supervision only for purposes of the TCRC program evaluation.
- Not associate with any TCRC Program participants outside of the status hearings, drug treatment sessions, and self-help meetings, unless my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s) expressly permits me to do so.
- Not associate with any persons engaged in criminal activity and shall not associate with any person convicted of a felony, unless my supervising U.S. Probation Officer(s) expressly permits me to do so.
- Understand that should I fail to appear for any of the TCRC Program’s status hearings, a warrant may be issued for my arrest only for purposes of the TCRC program evaluation.
Measuring Progress
Participation will last for no less than 12 months (52 weeks) of satisfactory performance. The 12 months need not be consecutive. The reentry court judge will award one credit per week of satisfactory performance. A participant will not get credit for any week of unsatisfactory performance. 52 credits are required to graduate.
Supervision Violations & Sanctions
Consistent with the programs mission and goals, all noncompliant actions, missed meetings, missed lessons, etc. will be individually addressed with positive outcomes in mind. When deemed appropriate and in accordance with the district’s noncompliance policy, sanctions may be administered to address noncompliant behavior. These actions may consist of any of the following:
- No credit given toward 52-week program total for any period in which performance is unsatisfactory
- Judicial reprimand
- Curfew
- Geographic and association restrictions
- Community Service requirement
- Increased frequency of drug testing
- Payment of fine (to be paid to a non-profit organization)
- Preparation and presentation of an essay on your rule violation
- A written report assigned by Judge or Probation Officer
- Written apology to team/participants
- Purchase $10 gift card for fishbowl
- House Arrest
- Location monitoring
- Placement in a Residential Reentry Center
- Custody period
- Referral to the district court for revocation of supervised release,imprisonment, or suspension from the program
Participation in the TCRC offers many rewards. Most importantly, participants receive substance-abuse and/or mental-health treatment and regain hope for a sober and crime-free life. Offenders who successfully complete the TCRC Program can expect a reduction in supervision. As participants advance through the program, they may receive additional rewards during the TCRC court hearings. These rewards may include, but are not limited to:
- Applause and verbal praise
- Written recognition of ceritifcates of achievement
- Reduced drug testing
- Elimination of curfew, home detention, or location monitoring
- Token gifts such as books and snacks
- Vouchers or gift cards
- Promotion to next phase
- Recovery materials
- A graduation certificate upon program completition