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Drug Court (RISE)


The purpose of the Reentry Independence Through Sustainable Efforts (RISE) Drug Court Program is to promote Reentry Independence through Sustainable Efforts that increase public safety by supporting sobriety and law-abiding behavior through reducing relapse and recidivism for moderate or high risk and high need individuals.  

These sustainable efforts by the participant and the RISE Team support personal responsibility, alternatives to incarceration, and recovery from alcohol and/or drug addiction, all of which result in significant cost-savings to taxpayers.

Participants address addictive behaviors, emotional distress, and criminal thinking in structured, intensive treatment of evidence based cognitive behavioral therapy. Participants also develop healthy coping and relationship skills with viable relapse prevention and transition plans to support their sobriety and independence.  Measurable progress toward SMART Goals for sustained recovery and independence is required through the completion of Phases.  

Incentives, rewards, and sanctions are used to support constructive behavior change. Probation officers document intensive supervision and case management efforts on Progress Reports for scheduled court hearings.  The RISE Team members discuss the progress of each participant in a review meeting before weekly court hearings to determine appropriate case management, incentives, rewards, and sanctions.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must meet all of the following minimum eligibility criteria prior to referral to the RISE Drug Court Program:

  1. Be serving a term of post-conviction supervision with at least 18 months remaining;
  2. Reside within Salt Lake County;
  3. Be physically and medically able to participate in court/treatment/testing weekly;
  4. Be identified as moderate or high risk by the Post Conviction Risk Assessment (PCRA)
  5. Be assessed as having an alcohol or substance dependence (not only abuse) by a clinical assessment tool;
  6. Have any pending criminal charges resolved;
  7. Submit a written statement of his or her motivation for participation; and
  8. Review/sign the Participant Rules reflecting willingness to comply if selected.

Individuals with a history of violence, which may include resisting arrest and/or escape/fleeing from law enforcement, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Not all individuals referred who meet the minimum eligibility criteria will be accepted.  The number of individuals accepted in the RISE Program will be contingent upon the amount of resources allotted annually and the number of program vacancies.


Individuals who meet the above criteria and are interested in participating in the RISE Drug Court Program are encouraged to attend at least one drug court hearing to observe the process prior to the referral.  If the defendant is in custody, the attorney will need to motion the court to have the individual transported.  The representative from the referring agency will interview the candidate and have the candidate complete the referral form.  For questions about the referral process, please contact U.S. Probation Officer Greg Petersen at 801.535.2778.


RISE Drug Court Referral Form